Archive | January 2015

The Sabbat of Imbolc


Photo credit:
Qedem1611 from
      Here, soon to be upon us is the Sabbat of Imbolc (meaning in the belly) or Oilmec (ewe’s milk), when the first signs of the approaching seasons of growth, and the energy surrounding the promise of darkness’s end lies within the life nurtured in the ewe’s womb. With their lambs soon to be born and the Snowdrop flowers slowly pushing from the cold ground we are given a glimpse of the waning hold of winter’s grip.
Imbolc is one of the four fire festivals observed in ancient times by the Celts and is still observed yearly by Wiccans and many other Pagans.
Celebrated when the sun hits the percentile midpoint of Aquarius, often falling on February 1st or 2nd, the Celtic Goddess Brighid is often honoured at this time.
 She presides over the Sabbat as patron Goddess of  metalsmithing, poetry, healing and also serves as protectoress to the young animals and children first to be born at winters’ end.
The triune Goddess reborn into her Maiden aspect at Imbolc, holds the hearts of many year round in all her aspects.
Her flames at the Temple of Kildare were kept alive for centuries, firstly by Druid Priests and later, for some time, by the nuns who re-homed the temple as a Cathedral and called the Goddess a saint. 
Many wells dug and blessed in her name, remain in place to welcome yearly visitors who wish to be blessed by her healing waters. 
Hundreds of candles of white and red are lit in honour of her and home hearths are stoked with the intent to connect with the fire goddess. 
 Brighid’s Cross are woven and placed above the doorway of homes to draw upon Brighid’s blessings. As a source of power for inspiration, healing and action, we make our plans and stoke our internal flame so that we may inherit the element of fire’s power to drive our dreams into manifestation through the months to come.
During this time, fill yourself with a feast of traditionally prepared foods with nature’s nectar of honey and milk. Celebrate her in warmth and light, as such does fire bring. Celebrate the beauty to be found amongst the frozen black nights and crystalline snows of the day.
In mind, heart, body and spirit, bolster yourselves, for the season of growth is right around the corner.
H.P. Chrystal Raven Rowanwood

This entry was posted on January 14, 2015. 3 Comments