The Sabbat of Mabon: Autumnal Blessings

Great Horned Owl

         As the Sun’s power wanes into the background, the wheel of the year turns towards the darkness of the Crone Goddess. The sun God will soon resign his role by the side of our green Mother, who carries the developing star seed of her consorts future self.

Her blossoms have given way to fruits, and so we celebrate her bounty during the second harvest at Mabon.  Much of what will be produced upon the lands has already or soon will mature for reaping. In response to this bounty, the celebration of Mabon is focused on what we are thankful for. Included in our thanks is a sense of gratefulness for our personal bounty as well, and hardship that offers us wisdom and growth.

As the apples ripen and the nuts harden, in preparation for harvest, we are invited to explore the last of the blessings of the Roman Nymph/Goddess Pomona. She and her consort; Vertumnus preside over the cultivation and growth of fruit and nut orchards.


An apple cut width-wise, holds a five-pointed star. As Wiccans, the pentagram is a symbol of balance, protection and the interplay of the five scared elements within our lives. As such, the fruit of the apple tree in considered of high spiritual vibration and steeped in the Mystery of wisdom to be found.

So as the elder God prepares for his journey with the Dark Goddess across the Western ocean, we find the Arthurian legend of Avalon; the Isle of Apples. A mystical island presided over by nine Priestesses, in legend, saw the sword- Excalibur forged, and holds great spiritual wisdom for those open to finding it.

Like the elder God’s journey, Mabon’s symbology is also tied to the Eleusinian mysteries of ancient Greece, with the Goddess; Persephone’s decent into the underworld with Lord Hades, until spring. An exploration of personal sacrifices for balance and growth is a strong theme between the time of Mabon and Yule.


The Autumnal Equinox offers us the opportunity to connect with the waning cycle of the year if we take the time to explore our personal definitions of gratitude, grace, wisdom, bounty and letting go, within us, and what they truly mean.

Walk amongst a trail of fallen leaves, understand that this cull of growth reserves energy for later renewal for its bearer and from which seeds, harbored in the ground, are kept warm over winter and fertilized in spring. Apply these metaphors to your life. Share the bounty of nature with others, cooking with apples, corn, squash, turkey, duck and the drinking of wine or grape juice!


Like the vibrant colors overtaking the leaves of autumn, spirit asks us to show our own spiritual vibrancy through acknowledgment of blessings and the acting upon wisdom gained along the road of personal exploration. Choosing to be mindful of gratitude at this time and throughout the wheel of the year, opens us into alignment with the blessings of grace. Not something simply  bestowed upon us through the God and Goddess, but revealed to be already within us. Allowing this to shine and sharing in its bounty leads to a greater sense of inner fulfillment, a deeper connection with self and our life cycles- yearly and otherwise, so that then we may navigate willingly and with less resistance.


May your bounty be beautiful!

H.P. Chrystal Raven Rowanwood


Copyright: 2015, Author: Chrystal Raven Rowanwood

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