The Sabbat of Samhain: Feast for Souls



As the Sabbat of Samhain is upon us, we give our thanks during the feast of our third harvest. We give our thanks for our bounty, and for our God’s symbolic sacrifice-his death now realized as he moves across the veil to commune with the land of our dead until Yule. As he does so, the time of the Crone Goddess- the keeper of the Under World, casts down her shadows of mystery to consume the light and warmth from the land, so that we may feel compelled to also turn inward in reflection and memory, for that which is no longer illuminated in our lives and dare us to bare the significance, in turn.

With the cross-over, the thinning of the veil is gifted at Samhain, and so we are given opportunity to celebrate our memories, and connect more swiftly with the spirits of our ancestors and other loved ones who have passed over. Light the Jack O’ Lanterns with intent to illuminate the path for them to join us as we break bread for them, and honour them with stories, songs and prayers from our hearts.

Light a candle or bonfire with intent to connect with the Crone aspect of the Goddess. As Hecate, Cerridwen, Morrigan or Grandmother Spiderwoman and many other cultural visages, many of her people have fear as much as respect conjured in their hearts for her presence in our lives and deaths.

In the spider’s web, she weaves an interconnectedness between all souls and their experiences. She holds the mystery, that keeps us searching. Metaphorically, as the spider, she waits, traps and feeds on her prey, not out of survival, spite, or wickedness, but so that as tender of the web, she can continue to mend and build the weaving tapestry of the worlds’ tree through regeneration in the wake of destruction. With her guidance, we are offered opportunity to face our fears of the unknown to understand death and destruction, physical mental or emotional, as transition not oblivion. Call to her if open to understanding the interplay of supposed opposing concepts, in embracing the difficult path of shadow-work, in developing a relationship with the hidden recesses of mind and heart, and in divining the future.

In spirit of her protective nature, conceive of costumes or masks to bode Samhain night, while igniting a variety display of fireworks. These are used to confuse and rid ourselves of malevolent spirits or negative energy from following us into the new year.

Set your dinner table with an offering to your transitioned loved ones, in place. Foods of the squash family are popular this time of year. As are apples, sweet cakes, turnips, parsnips, potatoes, seeds and nuts. Also, game meats, lamb or beef as well.

Samhain offers us a rare encouragement to light up the shadows. To diversely both innact its more aggressive nature through projected protection and its nurturing side, embracing her offered comfort in shedding fear-based judgements, and illusion-based control. Transforming grief and separation into wisdom and unification. So that we may learn to spend less time running from her mysteries and instead celebrate its unbridled potential.





Copyright: 2015, Author: Chrystal Raven Rowanwood


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