With Valentine’s Day here, we are bombarded with its commercialized hype surrounding the idea that gift-giving and loving praise are time-tested ways to express love to those nearest and dearest, and although not untrue, it seems a shame that in all the celebrations we share
with loved ones and collectively, within the community throughout the year, none consciously encourage, in contemplation or practice expressing gratitude or love upon ourselves outside of the grace or pride that we may generate through sharing
with others.
As I was thinking on this, I felt inspired to speak on the concept of self-love and how by exercising this mindfully we can awaken to a life filled with more gratitude for ourselves and open up to ways in which our reality will shift to mirror this change within.
What Is Self-love
Self-love is a concept that few spend much time with, unless we find ourselves at a life changing crossroads, deadening our pace into retraction of self-reflection.
Loving yourself is not narcissism nor is it selfishness, which are both born based on reflective principles of unbalanced energies and often driven through ego.
True self love is a heart-centered connection in understanding that the truest gift of love that we can ever give away begins with our ability to connect with ALL of what it is we have to share
. By doing so, we consciously accept the responsibility of taking great care in what we project upon ourselves.
The Importance of Inner Love Cultivation
Our style of living does not readily encourage by example, a healthy balance of give and take, as we try to avoid tripping over each other’s needs and wants, while simultaneously, effectively trying to navigate our fast paced society, we perhaps feel compelled to covet our energy in response to this sensory overload, or risk exhaustion by giving what we don’t have to give. By cultivating a healthy relationship with self, it can empower us to clearly perceive that our receptivity is as important as what we project outwards.To fully extend our love to others we must be a clear vessel to this receptivity so that this source can be replenished.
Indeed, the quality of our gift is reflective of what is contained within our vessel. And as we begrudgingly give exhausted personal energies to ever increasingly ungrateful people, because we extend it ungratefully, we come to see that those who would drink from your
willingly, often reflect personal traits of a similar pattern. So be the change you wish to see in your
When feeling the need to replenish, it is important to note to be careful in giving over personal power by externalizing your replenishing source. It is good and healthy to be able to accept another’s offer
of love, and share
in it, but not to depend on it in order
to connect and revitalize the heart chakra
In Conclusion
Self- love invites us to know the power of personal inner manifestation, through wisdom from within, otherwise our giving may give way to nothing more than a conditioned sense of responsibility.By untraining your perception that love is just for giving ‘out’ and acting on the intention to manifest self-love, you begin the process of removing blocks to your receptivity. To give yourself this attention you are telling your higher self that you are listening and that you are deserving of your own love. By mindfully practicing this willingness we attune ourselves to the open potential of self-discovery- shedding old behavior, beliefs, other peoples’ projections of us and fears, so to become more powerful, co- creators in manifesting a more fulfilling life and a decent world.
It is important to understand that the journey to self-discovery never truly ends and living with love for oneself is something that grows with you over time. So although I cannot map the way for you, I can impart a few tools to you that are good starting points for those of you interested in
consciously manifesting love.
Visualization: Connecting With Your Heart Center
I suggest using a cleansed crystal for this exercise, such as a rose quartz, as it is closely connected to the heart chakra, but if you feel compelled to use another type, please feel free. The reason for the crystal is to aid in amplifying the energy you are working with, so to better allow you to feel the connection.
Begin by finding a space that is quiet and free from interruption. Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Hold your crystal between both hands. Focus on your breath- slow and steady for a minute or two. Now move your focus to your heart chakra area, in the middle of your chest and listen to the beating of your heart. Continue this until its beat seems to become more prominent.
When you feel a centered calmness, turn your attention to the stone your are holding. Invite its loving energy within and perceive its charge running up your arm and circling your heart center. As it does so, you feel your heart open up like a flower (make note of the type of flower). This vibrant bloom now spills a radiant light out and all around you (note the color of this light). This effect transforms the space in which you find yourself into nothing but light.
You pull your attention inwards, once again to find yourself in the dark space of your inner temple. You are aware of yourself standing, looking down upon a small, deep pond of water. In the water you see your reflection. You tell your reflection that you will learn how to best connect with self. The reflection then shares one word with you or an image (make note of it). You thank your reflection and then offer your illuminated heart chakra flower by gently placing it in the pond of water. It sinks beneath and is taken up by your reflection. The flower then radiates a blinding light outwards that again encompasses your vision. When it fades, you find your attention back at your heart center. Again, focus on your heart beat and allow the beat to push loving energy back into the crystal you are holding while focusing on your intent to connect with self.
After a few moments, ground your energy by taking a few deep breaths, pushing excess energy that had been borrowed, back into the ground with each exhale.When grounded, open your eyes and take a few minutes to recall and record your experience down on paper.
Correspondences to the magical meaning of flowers and colors are available online and remember to jot down the word or symbol that your reflection gave you and what significance it holds for you.
Many Blessings
H.P Chrystal Raven Rowanwood