Upcoming Classes/Events
Mabon Celebration 2017
Hosted by Chrystal of Phoenix Rising School and Sharron of School of Gypsy Arts
When: September 20th, 2017 7:15-9:15pm
Where: Port Moody, British Columbia Canada (specific location given once registration is complete).
What: Mabon, also known as the Autumnal Equinox, celebrates the balance between light and dark (day and night) before the Crone Goddess and her darkness take hold of the season. It celebrates the arrival of the fall season and the second Wiccan harvest of the year.
During this time, we take stock of the desires and goals we have accomplished throughout the year and give our thanks for the blessings received or impending. We celebrate the wisdom and power of the elder God and Crone Goddess.
Join Wiccan High Priestess; Chrystal Raven Rowanwood and six-sensory intuitive/tarot reader and teacher; Sharron for an evening of celebration, as we connect with the season and honour our connection to gratitude.
The evening will consist of a discussion on the history, symbolism and current relevance of celebrating the autumnal equinox for Pagans. You will guided through a meditation to deepen your personal connection and finish up the night with busying your hands, making a loose herbal incense blend to burn in celebration in your own home. Then treat yourself to an offering of seasonal fruits and veggies, apple muffins and alcohol-free apple cider.
This event is offered at a sliding-scale financial donation of between $20-$30. Your investment includes all supplies and food. Pre-registration is required. This can be done via email or Meetup.com.
Contact Chrystal at phoenixrisingschool@gmail.com or on Meetup at Phoenix Rising School: Pagan Spirituality and Practice. Or contact Sharron at sharronbasanti@hotmail.com or on the School or Gypsy Arts Meetup page.
Samhain Celebration 2016
Hosted by Chrystal of Phoenix Rising School and Sharron of School of Gypsy Arts.
When: October 26th, 2016 7:00pm-9:00pm
Where: Coquitlam, British Columbia, Canada (Specific location given once registration is complete).
What: Samhain (Sow-aine) is one of the eight Pagan yearly Sabbats. It is considered a time of reflection, as we seek to honour and remember our beloved ancestors. As well as look towards what our future holds with divination.
Join Wiccan High Priestess; Chrystal Raven Rowanwood and six-sensory intuitive/tarot reader and teacher; Sharron for an evening of celebration, as we connect with the season and honour the ancestors.
A discussion will be had on the history and symbolism of Halloween and how it ties in with Pagan thought and practice, both historically and in modern times. As well, seekers will be taken on a journey through guided meditation, to internally integrate and connect with what the season means for you.
The evening will continue with the chance to create your own ancestor bottle. Filled with items that will aid you in connection with your ancestors.
Finally, we’ll wrap up the evening with some homemade eats, both sweet and savoury, made by the hosts of the event.
Registration with payment secured is necessary to attend. Prepay at an investment of $30 before/on Oct, 22nd, 2016, or $40 after this date. Your investment includes all food and activities.
To arrange payment and register,please contact Chrystal at phoenixrisingschool@gmail.com or Sharron at sharronbasanti@hotmail.com or through School of Gypsy Arts Meetup or Phoenix Rising School: Pagan Spirituality and Practice.
Previous Classes and Events
Wicca 101: The Basics
Hosted by The School of Gypsy Arts
When: Tuesday evenings from 7:00 to 9:00pm starting June, 7th to July 5th (5 consecutive weeks)
Where: The Oasis Wellness Center, Coquitlam, BC, Canada
What: Join H.P. Chrystal Raven Rowanwood for Wicca 101, a novice course on the basics of Wiccan theology & magickal theory. You will take part in meditative exercises and other hands-on activities to promote your connection with the material explored. Class size will be limited to 8 students to allow more time for questions and one-on-one help from the instructor.
Seekers can expect to learn about the following:
• A Brief History of Witchcraft & Wicca
• Basic Chakra Theory
• Wiccan God & Goddess Cosmology
• Five Sacred Wiccan Elements
• Crafting Wiccan Holy Water
• Spell Craft Basics
• Types of energies & How to work with them.
• Magical Incense Blending
• Exploration of Pagan Gods & Goddesses
• Candle Making
• History & Importance of the Pentacle
• Magical Colour Associations
• Exploration of the Sabbats & the Wheel of the Year
• Making Crystal Elixirs
• Moon Phase Correspondence
• Guided Meditations and much more!
How to prepare for the course? Leave home with enough time to arrive and get settled in. Doors open at 6:50 PM. Eat a healthy light meal 2 hours in advance, so your food has time to digest and you don’t feel sluggish. Keep yourself hydrated.
What should you bring with you? A water bottle to stay hydrated. Paper & a pen to jot down any important Ah-ha moments. Any sacred tools. An open heart & mind <3.
Please note this is a fragrance FREE space, as people have sensitivities to synthetic scents. Remember to turn off your cell phone & other electronic devices. Incense, sage, or other herbs will be burned to cleanse.
Doors will be locked at 7:00 PM, so arrive at least 5-10 minutes early to get settled in.
YOUR Investment: Registration and pre-payment is required to attend. No drop ins. Pre-pay before/on June 1st $150 and after for $175. You can pre-pay via this Meet-Up or by sending an E-transfer/PayPal to schoolofgypsyarts@hotmail.ca.
Do not drop off cash at Reflections Books. If you need to set-up a different payment method, please send an email to schoolofgypsyarts@hotmail.ca. Cheques are no longer accepted.
Wait List: Join the wait list and you will automatically be notified once a spot opens up.
Refund Policy: As of June 1st, 2014, if you cannot attend the workshop 7 days prior to the start date, you will receive a refund minus a 10% administration fee. Thereafter, no refund is issued and fee cannot be transferred to another event. Refund requests will not be processed. You can give your spot to a friend, please email [masked] with who will be taking your place.
No Show Policy: Please be considerate and change your RSVP, at least 48-24 hours in advance if you are not able to attend, as space is limited. If you have two no shows within the calendar year, you will not be able to register for events without sending the payment first.
How to prepare for the course? Leave home with enough time to arrive and get settled in. Doors open at 6:50 PM. Eat a healthy light meal 2 hours in advance, so your food has time to digest and you don’t feel sluggish. Keep yourself hydrated.
What should you bring with you? A water bottle to stay hydrated. Paper & a pen to jot down any important Ah-ha moments. Any sacred tools. An open heart & mind <3.
Please note this is a fragrance FREE space, as people have sensitivities to synthetic scents. Remember to turn off your cell phone & other electronic devices. Incense, sage, or other herbs will be burned to cleanse.
Doors will be locked at 7:00 PM, so arrive at least 5-10 minutes early to get settled in.
YOUR Investment: Registration and pre-payment is required to attend. No drop ins. Pre-pay before/on June 1st $150 and after for $175. You can pre-pay via this Meet-Up or by sending an E-transfer/PayPal to Sharron at schoolofgypsyarts@hotmail.ca.
Do not drop off cash at Reflections Books. If you need to set-up a different payment method, please send an email to [masked]. Cheques are no longer accepted.
Wait List: Join the wait list and you will automatically be notified once a spot opens up.
Refund Policy: As of June 1st, 2014, if you cannot attend the workshop 7 days prior to the start date, you will receive a refund minus a 10% administration fee. Thereafter, no refund is issued and fee cannot be transferred to another event. Refund requests will not be processed. You can give your spot to a friend, please email schoolofgypsyarts@hotmail.ca with who will be taking your place.
No Show Policy: Please be considerate and change your RSVP, at least 48-24 hours in advance if you are not able to attend, as space is limited. If you have two no shows within the calender year, you will not be able to register for events without sending the payment first.
Free Intro to Wicca
Hosted by The School of Gypsy Arts
When: Tuesday, May, 31st, 2016, 7:30 to 8:30pm
Where: Oasis Wellness Center, Coquitlam, BC, Canada
What: Join High Priestess, Chrystal Raven Rowanwood, for an evening, as she shares the ideology of Wicca as it is presented in the 13 Wiccan Principles.
Concepts of cosmology will be presented as it pertains to the Wiccan view of the Creative Force, the Elements and the nature of the universe as it pertains to our incarnations on Earth.
Explore our beliefs of holistic, consciousness living that lead to a more fulfilling relationship with self, others, nature and the divine. The evening will conclude with a Q&A to clear up any confusion or curiosity about Wicca.
You’ll also learn more about Chrystal’s upcoming Wicca 101 : The Basics Course starting on June 7 – July 5th.
Join High Priestess, Chrystal Raven Rowanwood, for an evening, as she shares the ideology of Wicca as it is presented in the 13 Wiccan Principles.
Concepts of cosmology will be presented as it pertains to the Wiccan view of the Creative Force, the Elements and the nature of the universe as it pertains to our incarnations on Earth.
Explore our beliefs of holistic, consciousness living that lead to a more fulfilling relationship with self, others, nature and the divine. The evening will conclude with a Q&A to clear up any confusion or curiosity about Wicca.
You’ll also learn more about Chrystal’s upcoming Wicca 101 : The Basics Course starting on June 7 – July 5th.
Seating is limited, so to hold your spot please RSVP through Meetup at School of Gypsy Arts or Phoenix Rising School:Pagan Spirituality and Practice.
Beltane Celebration 2016
When: Wednesday, May 4th, 2016
Where: Oasis Wellness Center, Coquitlam, BC, Canada
What: The Sabbat of Beltane marks the season of love, birth and commitment to growth. As the metaphor of the union of the God and Goddess plays out through the blessings of the green season, full of growth and fertility, we may take this time to instill affirmations or prayers for growth, fertility, and prosperity. Or simply take the time to be mindful while taking in the spring’s abundance and connecting with the Mother Goddess and the Horned God of the forest.
We will discuss the history and current relevancy of the Sabbat for Pagans, along with tips on how to set up a Beltane altar.
Sharron will lead us through a guided meditation to allow participants to experience a deeper connection with the spirit of the season. Afterwards, Beltane Maypole inspired candles will be crafted for everyone to take one home to display on their altar.
The evening will be finished off with some seasonally inspired home-cooked foods, such as: chocolate covered strawberries, pentacle cookies, blueberry cheesecake and a pasta salad.
Pre-pay before April 28th for a $30 event charge. After this date the investment will be a total of $40. Price includes all craft supplies, Beltane handout and foods.
For further info or to pre-pay for this event, please contact me (Chrystal) at phoenixrisingschool.com or Sharron at schoolofgypsyarts@hotmail.ca. You can also learn more on Meetup under Phoenix Rising School: Pagan Spirituaity and Practice, and School of Gypsy Arts.
Imbolc Celebration 2016
When: February, 3rd, 2016
Where: Oasis Wellness Center, Coquitlam, BC, Canada
What: Come join us for an evening of connection with the Sabbat of Imbolc and the Goddess; Brighid.
The night will begin with a circle casting, followed by a discussion of the history and symbolism of the Sabbat. A guided meditation will further your connection and afterwards, participants will have the opportunity to create Imbolc lanterns, in the spirit of the fire Goddess- Brighid.
We will finish the night off by offering you a variety of foods, inspired through the spirit of Imbolc.
The cost of this event is $30.00 before Jan, 28th and $40.00 after this date.
Payments for this event can be made via Interact E-Transfer or through PayPal by contacting Sharron at sharronbasanti@hotmail.com
As space is limited, you must pre-register for this event by R.S.V.Ping to hold your seat.
For further info please email Chrystal at phoenixrisingschool@gmail.com or Sharron at schoolofgypsyarts@hotmail.ca or please refer to the Meetup page- Phoenix Rising School: Pagan Spirituality and Practise or the School of Gypsy Arts, Meetup page, under upcoming events: Imbolc celebration.
Intro to Wicca and the Craft Part 1 Workshop Series
When: Sunday, February, 21st-March, 13th 2016 (held once a week). From 10:00am to approx. 1:00pm.
Where: Oasis Wellness Center, Coquitlam, BC, Canada (Full location details given once RSVP has been made through the Meetup group; Phoenix Rising School: Pagan Spirituality and Practise, or via emailing me).
What: Basic Wiccan theology, magickal theory, meditative exercises and activities that will promote connection with the material, will be explored through this novice level workshop series. Seekers can expect to learn about:
- A brief history of witchcraft and Wicca
- Basic Chakra theory
- God and Goddess cosmology
- The Wiccan five sacred elements
- Spellcraft basics
- Raising and working with different types of energy
- Magickal incense blending
- Deities explored
- Candle making
- History and importance of the Pentacle
- Magickal colour association
- The Wheel of the Year- the Sabbats explored
- Various types of meditative and visualizations exercises
- Making crystal elixirs
- and much more
Pre-payment of $140.00 CAD, before Feb, 10th or $150 CAD after, and an RSVP either through Meetup via Phoenix Rising School: Pagan Spirituality and Practise, or by contacting Chrystal at phoenixrisingschool@gmail.com is required in order to hold a seat for this course. Registration deadline is February, 18th, 2016.
Previous Classes and Events
Intro to Wicca and the Craft Part 1 Workshop Series
When: Sunday, April 12th, 2015 – Sunday, May 3rd, 2015 (held once a week). From 11:00am to approx. 1:30pm.
Where: Ganesh Sanctuary, Coquitlam, BC. (Full location details given once RSVP has been made through Meetup via School of Gypsy Arts).
What: Basic Wiccan theology, magickal theory, meditative exercises and activities that will promote connection with the material, will be explored through this novice level workshop series. Seekers can expect to learn about:
- A brief history of witchcraft and Wicca
- Basic Chakra theory
- God and Goddess cosmology
- The Wiccan five sacred elements
- Spellcraft basics
- Raising and working with different types of energy
- Magickal incense blending
- Deities explored
- Candle making
- History and importance of the Pentacle
- Magickal colour association
- The Wheel of the Year- the Sabbats explored
- Various types of meditative and visualizations exercises
- Making crystal elixirs
- and much more
Pre-payment of $125.00 CAD, before March 29th or $150 CAD after, and an RSVP either through Meetup via School of Gypsy Arts or by contacting Chrystal at phoenixrisingschool@gmail.com is required in order to hold a seat for this course. Registration deadline is April 8th, 2015.
Ostara Celebration 2015
When: March, 23rd, 2015 From 6:30pm to 8:30pm
Where: Ganesh Sanctuary, Coquitlam BC (Full location details provided upon receiving your RSVP through Meetup via School of Gypsy Arts).
What: Ostara or Spring Equinox is the Pagan celebration held to herald in the spring season in recognition of the equal parts of day and night and the power associated with such a balance and natures rebirth that will now burst into full fledged growth as the days continue to get longer and warmer. The welsh Goddess Ostara is often held as the patron Deity during the Spring Equinox celebrations. In her maiden aspect, she is the Goddess of flowers, hares and spring growth. All are welcome to come celebrate the Sabbat of Ostara in a small intimate setting with hosts Chrystal and Sharron, where we will cleanse and empower the space by casting circle, give inspiration in how to create a Ostara altar, discuss the history and traditions of Ostara , journey through a guided meditation fit for the season, create your own mini spring terrarium, and finally, enjoy a small feast provided by the hosts.
For further information you may contact Chrystal at phoenixrisingschool@gmail.com or visit Meetup under School of Gypsy Arts and view up coming events for more info, payment or to RSVP.
Intro to Wicca and the Craft Part 1 Workshop Series
When: Sunday, February 22nd, 2015 – Sunday, March, 22nd, 2015 (held once a week). From 11:30am to approx. 1:30pm.
Where: Ganesh Sanctuary, Coquitlam, BC. (Full location details given once RSVP has been made through Meetup via School of Gypsy Arts).
What: Basic Wiccan theology, magickal theory, meditative exercises and activities that will promote connection with the material will be explored through this novice level workshop series. Seekers can expect to learn about:
- A brief history of witchcraft and Wicca
- Basic Chakra
- God and Goddess cosmology
- The Wiccan five sacred elements
- Spellcraft basics
- Raising and working with different types of energy
- Magickal incense blending
- Deities explored
- Candle making
- History and importance of the Pentacle
- Magickal colour association
- The Wheel of the Year- the Sabbats explored
- Various types of meditative and visualizations exercises
- Making crystal elixirs
- and much more
Pre-payment of $125.00 CAD(before and an RSVP either through Meetup via School of Gypsy Arts or via contacting Chrystal at phoenixrisingschool@gmail.com is required in order to hold a seat for this course. (Please note: This workshop series starting February 22nd is now full, however, please feel free to add your name to the Meetup waitlist.)
Imbolc Celebration 2015
When: January, 29th, 2015 @ 6:30pm
Where: At the Ganesh Sanctuary, Coquitlam, BC. (full location details given once RSVP is made through Meetup)
What: Imbolc is the Pagan celebration acknowledging that winter will soon loose its grip on the land, giving way to the beauty and warmth of spring. Brighid, the Celtic fire Goddess is the Deity generally recognised during this Sabbat. As a divine protector, healer and keeper of metalsmithing and poetry, she cleanses us spiritually and ignites the fire to feed into our creative inspirations, bringing dreams into manifestation in the months to come.
All are welcome to come celebrate the Sabbat of Imbolc in a small intimate setting with hosts Chrystal and Sharron, where we will cleanse and empower the space by casting circle, give inspiration in how to create a Imbolc altar, discuss the history and traditions of Imbolc , journey through a guided meditation fit for the season, create your own Brighid Cross, and finally, enjoy a small feast provided by the hosts.
For further information you may contact Chrystal at phoenixrisingschool@gmail.com or visit Meetup under School of Gypsy Arts and view up coming events for more info, payment or to RSVP.
Please note, space is limited so payment and a RSVP are required in order to hold your seat for this event!
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Many thanks!
You can check out Paganspace or WiccanTogether. You’re gonna get a very broad mix of practices and Pagan faiths, not just Wicca. Also, not everybody on there are very accurate sources of info, but some are, of course.
I prefer Paganspace,,personally. A few of the folks trending on the discussion boards of WiccanTogether recently put a bad taste in my mouth for their overly Orthodox, staunch views on who is Wiccan and who is not, but check it out nonetheless and come to your own conclusions.
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