Phoenix Rising School was created in dedication to my spiritual path of Wicca. As an initiated Wiccan High Priestess with over a half a decade of experience, I felt moved to expand my practise outside of coven and home and to offer seekers the chance to learn of my practise through my Blog, here online and in a small, personable class type setting- the theology and practise behind Wicca and the Craft. In locations on the west coast of beautiful British Columbia.
To be able to offer the chance to read, study and practise the Mystery Wicca cosomology holds. Open to all whom come with a open heart and mind. Whether they name themselves a Pagan or not, is at this time, the path in which I choose to work my spiritual art.
This website serves not only to bring awareness of Phoenix Rising School
, but also to share with all, near or far, my thoughts and practise, within the framework of the witches God and Goddess and the sacred five elements.
May you all find something here that will warm your heart!
Blessed Be
Chrystal Raven Rowanwood
Very informative blog. Cool.
Hello! I am genuienely interested and am unable to find the link for your blog! Please help
Hi Selina,
Thanks for your interest!
My blog is located directly on the first page (home page) of my website.
You can also stay up-to-date with my blog posts on my Facebook page, Phoenix Rising School.
Cheers 🙂