The Sabbat of Yule: The Rebirth of a God

A Christmas Chickadee


As the wheel turns through the dark half of the year, we approach the winter solstice. An auspicious energy shrouded as the darkest day of the year, gives way to the peak of our Mother’s birthing pains as she delivers her Star Child. Over the horizon, our God of the sun, now re-birthed from the depths of the void of death and the ultimate creative potential.

As the Goddess rests in recovery of her journey through motherhood, she prepares in darkness to revisit her role as Maiden at the coming spark of spring. In spiritual energy, this darkness upon our land still belongs in many respects, to the Crone. She has relinquished her hold on the sun God as partner in the Summerland, but is soon to gain back the visage of self that acts as mother, until the gates of fertility magic open once more at Beltane.

It was the ancient Germanic people that heralded in the dawn of the sun’s re-birth, atop the hills, bonfires lit, awaiting the days twilight with ceremony and celebration. Thus beginning approx. twelve days of cheer, feasting and good will among all, ending with the feast of Freya on January 1st. Toasts to the Gods, especially Odin- King of the Gods, were shared. Ritual slaughter was conducted; blessed food to keep the celebrants fed over the course of the Yuletide season. Folks prepared the sacred Yule log cut from Ash, the same wood as Yggdrasil ‘The World Tree’ or Tree of Life. Dressed with sprigs of green, doused with ale or cider and flour for blessings of light, life and triumph. Lit with a piece of the log from the year before. It would burn and smolder-warming families hearths.

The ancient Druidic Celts celebrated Alban Arthuan (the light of Arthur) on the solstice. In honor of the sun and in commemoration of Arthur; king of legends, day of birth. Among the traditions, Evergreens were decorated with offerings for the Gods and ancestors. Mistletoe was harvested off of Oak, with a golden sickle by Druid Priests on day five after the new moon following the winter solstice. These plants were offered to folk as a gesture of goodwill and blessing as the mistletoe was believed to be especially powerful plant for healing, protection and fertility.

The winter solstice held significance to the ancient Egyptians as the feast of Aset (Isis). As well as December 25th being the birth of their son Heru (Horus).

As we journey through the season of darkness, we light our homes with radiant colors, lit hearths roaring for comfort, while dressing trees of green and feasts being shared and gifts given. Amongst this, let us remember the Pagan significance of the Yuletide season, as giving our thanks for the promise of our suns slow return to strength and our Goddess’ Earthen bounty to again, be manifested.

By encircling our gratitude with a sense of conscious giving, to self, family and community, it serves as a reminder that even amongst the stark reminder of life and bounty amongst the cold, there lives perhaps the greatest light for illuminating the darkness on hope.… one of the heart. For it is here, metaphorically that we too can celebrate the resurrection of light seen in the sun’s power. If needs be, our own sense of rest and renewal can lead us to grow and give throughout the wheel of our year.


Solstice Blessings of Bounty and Joy

H.P. Chrystal Raven Rowanwood


Copyright: 2015, author: Chrystal Raven Rowanwood


2 thoughts on “The Sabbat of Yule: The Rebirth of a God

  1. Thank you for this well written and inspirational post. It reminded me that the struggle through the darkness is ancient and that the joy of rebirth awaits us all. It is a truly magical season. Aho. Namaste. All My Relations. And So It Is.

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